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Apply for funding

Nominate a female athlete or team, or apply for funding yourself! Click on the button below to access the Google Form. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Recipient Testimonials

"The funding I have received from WNS couldn't have come at a better time! I received the grant right before the ICF world SUP championships in Poland last year, and I used the funding to represent Canada on the world stage. It has always been my dream to compete in SUP at the highest level and with the help of WNS - my dream would not have been possible to achieve. I am now also a full time training SUP Athlete and I would not have been able to train full time without the help of WNS. I will forever be grateful for this incredible organization and I hope that many other young female athletes in Niagara can receive funding to support their dreams whatever they may be!"

Maddi Leblanc - SUP Athlete

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